simple blog

A simple blog about seeking the Lord, savoring life and joyfully serving.

Friday, May 10, 2019

💕5 Friday Favorites💕

It has been a rainy yet wonderful week. I am so grateful to be feeling absolutely amazing. I have been implementing my plans for my 90 Day Sprint  (click here to learn more). I'm also using the PMS remedies as found in this post and they are helping tremendously. 😄👍We are looking forward to Mother's Day on Sunday. I am so grateful for the blessings of motherhood. It is such an honor to be entrusted with these four souls. I have learned more than I could ever recount from my children and the joy of being a mother.

Thank you for joining me for my Five Friday Favorites!

1. Classical Conversations community awards day.

Classical Conversations is method of homeschooling using classical curriculum and meeting as a community once a week. The students are taught their weekly lessons by a trained tutor, the parent will expound upon that information throughout the week at home. Classical Conversations goals are to:
  1. Provide compelling, influential Christian leadership in the home-centered, classical education movement.
  2. Provide weekly classical, Christian communities that hone students’ academic and classical skills of recitation, logical thinking, and persuasive rhetoric.
  3. Provide Parent Practicums across the United States that empower parents to teach any academic subject classically.
  4. Provide a curriculum framework with a Christ-centered worldview while engaging the current culture in which we live.
 We strengthen each other when we are in a community. When you look at a strong woman you can know there is a woman who is supported by a loving community. I’m so thankful for the homeschool mamas that stood beside me and gave me strength during this long journey, held me up when I was weak, supported me and ensured my kids were well taken care of when. So grateful for all we have learned this year through the Classical conversations curriculum and through the like-minded families.  💪🏼

The students learn through repetition, hands-on projects and giving weekly presentations in front of a group. It stretches and grows the students (and parents) , teaches them to see truth and beauty and instills a life-long love of learning.  We teach the student HOW to think, not WHAT to think. 

2. Going through sooooo much stuff and dropping most of it off for charity. As part of my 90 Day sprint, my home is one of the three areas I’m focusing on during this 90 days of goal crushing. I’m focusing on creating a peaceful, life giving home which mean eliminating clutter.  I have to fight the guilt that I feel toward the waste and consumerism that has affected me but this post soothes my soul in regards to letting go of the negativity that sometimes can plague one who is purging their home. It reminds me that things served a purpose in my life and I hope letting them go will serve others. It’s a great reminder that there is peace in less. I’m thankful to re-read this post which reminds me how I want my home to be set up and the feelings of comfort I want my home to evoke in others.  

3. Forgotten treasure: I found a box labeled "Fragile, China" and was delighted to share w my youngest daughters that these items belonged to my great grandmother. It was the sweetest thing to hear them literally squeal w delight every time they unwrapped a new piece. My sweet little Brooke kept telling Katy to be careful because these were fragile Chinese items. I explained, no that’s not what this kind of China this is. I love the way her mind processes things though. We did study China during Geography this year so it's great that her little mind is connecting these things. ☕️ It’s been fun to go through boxes that have been packed away for over 4 years and to enjoy the honeymoon trinkets, baby blankets and family heirlooms.

4. My Sunday School teaching Partner. We have taught together for 13 years, She is like my spiritual mother and one of my closest friends. I've gleaned much wisdom sitting at her feet all these years. 
A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

5 Auction time! I’m looking for furniture to fill our new home with. I love Spanish Colonial style and the Mediterranean Farmhouse look. I have my eye on this beauty so wish me luck!
 I’m previewing this item as we speak and hope to post a pic of it in my home next week... 🤞 Even if I don't win, I'm enjoying the process. 

That is all for today. Thank you for reading and many blessings to you this weekend as you celebrate Mother's Day.

Grace & Peace,
 Adoring Family

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