simple blog

A simple blog about seeking the Lord, savoring life and joyfully serving.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!

Hopefully you were able to read about our morning routine and know that we approach our daily lives with grace. I am so grateful the Lord saw fit to bless us with a fourth baby and during this season of life our routines do not always flow on schedule. I am good with that :) I remind myself that we have a new baby and thank the Lord for this blessed season. if we get off track I am ask Him to redeem the time as stated in Ephesians 5:16 and remember that God is my help and He will sustain me (Psalm 54:4). So onto the afternoon...

Is it naptime yet?

Finish any schooling that we missed before. I will typically have a math lesson to teach while the other two work on handwriting.
2:00 Books on bed: A friend of mine introduced me to this concept and it is the perfect transition from school to play. It gives each child some quiet time to themselves and hopefully instills a love for reading. If a nap needs to take place for any of the children this is the perfect time. I use this time to pay bills, answer emails and phone calls or make appointments.
2:30-4:00 is craft time/ free play time. I will finish up and work I need to accomplish and then organize a craft or, if it is a beautiful day the children will play. I will use this time to work on home projects, sew, bake, meal prep or the really fun stuff...laundry :D
3:30ish I will start to prepare a snack for the children and my husband. My husband usually gets home at 4:00 and he is usually hungry :) This is a great time to relax and talk about the day. The kids usually eat a quick snack and are off to the playroom or outside with the chickens.
6:00 I prep dinner and we usually eat at 6:30
Bath time
Family time
8:00ish Family Devotions where my husband reads a story (we are reading through Missionary Stories with the Millers. I cannot review this one yet but we have enjoyed the other Millers books) prayer. Lights out and I will sing them a song or two.
Mommy and Daddy time!
Several of you said you wished you could get a morning workout in but it doesn't always happen. If I find I cannot get a workout in that morning I usually sneak little things in here and there. I will do squats while brushing my teeth (and hope no one is looking) or mini squats while chopping veggies, and just sprint around an scare the little ones for a little while. It is funny to see the kids mimic me while I do these things. One day I was sprinting in place with any "support" so I had my arms across my chest and all three children started doing the same thing! It cracked me up to see them sprinting with their little arms crossed over their chests and it was also quite sobering. I am constantly reminded that more is caught than taught! This is our ideal routine and I love it when things happen this way. I also love it when they don't. I won't even go into our morning routine on CC day (quick, grab a banana and jump in the car). I hope our family's routine is helpful in some way for you. I always enjoy hearing how others manage their day so please leave me some comments sharing how you run your home.
 Grace and peace,
Adoring Family
Linked up here: Word Filled Wednesday