Thursday, June 27, 2019

Five Friday Favorites

Hello everyone, thank you for stopping by to check out my five Friday favorites this week.
My Wee one is at a friend's house tonight. I missss her! Do you miss your kids when they are away?

Onto my Friday Favorites...
As I mentioned in this post from earlier this week, I have been trying this new circuit training routine and I absolutely love it.  I have been striving to up my fitness game and have found great help with the following...

This one is an excellent deal and the absolute lowest price I have found,. There is an app to download but it is a quick and easy process. This scale tells you weight, BMI, bodyfat percentage and so much more. My husband and I both enjoy using it. 

This App has been helpful in tracking my meals and ensuring I am getting my daily protein and other nutrients. It's been very informative and helpful. 

Im excited to finally use one of my Christmas presents. I am new to this device but I will let you know how I like it!

I purchased this charger from Amazon and appreciate how sleek it looks when I am charging my Fitbit. ITs great to have a backup charger as well. 

I needed a change from my usual gray or black so I thought I'd be brave and try these. I don't usually do well with white pants but I still love wearing them. These fit perfect and are not see through. 

I have to keep this post short and sweet because I am writing this after an awesome but tiring week of Vacation Bible School. Thank you for reading.
Grace and peace,
Adoring Family
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