Friday, April 26, 2019

🤓Five Friday Favorites🤓

Hello everyone. This Friday Favorites Post is coming at you from my phone. Please forgive the format and typos🤦🏼‍♀️  
Linking up here
Five Friday Favorites 

  1. My first favorite is my new kitchen. We are settling in nicely and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my kitchen!! I’m so grateful to have plenty of space to work. After living in a camper for a year,  one can get pretty creative at mealtime. I’m still taking those skills with me here but it’s nice to realize that I actually have a place to set my cookie sheet when I take it out of the oven 😄👍

Still need to add a few things. I would also like to do some live edge wood shelving next to a stone hood.

We are doing a tumbled marble backsplash. I’m still trying to find someone to do the vent hood. 
I’m talking about creating a simple, luxurious home in this post. To me luxury doesn’t have to be expensive but means high quality and increased comfort. I’m trying to eliminate excess and only use what I love. To read more about how we built this home debt free, read this post. 

  1. I shared with you how much I love Tolkien and Lewis in this post.  I truly find comfort in their writings. I feel like they are part of me. I’m not sure if that makes sense but anytime you read something multiple times and truly love it, I believe it begins to make up much of who you are (that’s why I’m always telling my littles, Oh be careful little eyes what you see 👀). As much as I’ve enjoyed moving into our new house I still miss the old one and my routine.  This week I needed to find some comfort in familiarity.
 I have been listening to I see Fire on repeat. Have you heard that song? I enjoy Ed Sheeran  as much as the next person but this song is a beautifully written and specific to the 2nd Hobbit movie which makes it a favorite. I also enjoyed watching the Hobbit with my son. Of course the older girls couldn’t stay away. We enjoyed snuggling in our Kid Cave and watching the Deselation of Smaug (my favorite of the Hobbit Trilogy). 🐉🧝🏻‍♂️🧙🏻‍♂️💚

Did I lose you yet? Because if that didn’t, this might...

  1. I love Love LOVE geology and paleontology.  I enjoy identifying the three kinds of rocks and finding  fossils and petrified wood. I’m currently looking for a cabinet to display all of our beautiful and unique finds. I have a plethora of favorite rocks and fossils but I came across this one when we were moving and I wanted to share it with you.

  1. This week my husband’s company had a take your child to Work Day. My husband decided to take our three oldest to work w him. They had a wonderful time and learned a lot about the aerospace industry. 

  1. The last one is that our renters are moving into our first rental today!! I’m so thankful and excited. They are as well. They’ve been renting property for us for a year and living in a camper. Now they will move into the home we moved into after we were in our camper for a year. I’m so excited for their children to enjoy the space we have loved so well. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for reading.
Grace & peace,
Adoring Family


  1. Happy Friday!! I love your kitchen so much and still gush over your windows. A stone hood will be so nice! We had a hard time finding someone to put ours in too, and ours is nothing really special. That's so cool you have a collection of rocks and fossils. Congratulations on the renters!! Wishing you all many years of great memories! I hope you have a good weekend! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  2. I am crazy about your new kitchen! I have always loved geology as well and took several classes on it in college. That’s really cool your husband took the older kids to work. Have a super sweet weekend!

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