Sunday, February 3, 2019

Savory Green Smoothie Recipe

Today's post is day eight of my ten day series, Ten Ways to Tone Up in Ten Days. The focus is to strengthen our arms and get our postpartum abs back in shape. If you missed the first six posts, visit Day 1:Rebounding, Day 2: Cran-Water, Day 3:Weight TrainingDay 4: No Sugar, Day 5: Psyllium Husks, Day 6: Raw Carrot For Mid Morning Snack and Day 7: Two a Days and my flat-tummy-after-baby-ab-workout. Today I will share my Savory Green Smoothie recipe with you.

Why a savory smoothie? When we started the Maker's Diet and we were going through the detox phase we could not have certain fruits like bananas due to the high sugar content. The idea here is to kill off any candida or other parasites that might feed off sugar in our bodies. I was accustomed to my daily green smoothies at this point and didn't know how to function without my bananas! I adapted of course and concocted this savory version with tomato juice. I find it quite palatable and hope you enjoy it as well!

Adoring Creations Savory Green Smoothie
2 cups organic tomato juice
1 cup water
Two handfuls of organic spinach
2 celery stalks
1 clove of garlic
1/2 an avacodo
1 jalapeño (omit or half this ingredient if you are not a fan of spicy foods)
Dash of pink Himalayan crystal salt

Blend until smooth. I usually start out pulsing the blender a few times and eventually put it on high and let it go until everything is smooth. This makes a thick, creamy and savory smoothie to share or bottle up for later.

A savory green smoothie is a great option if you find your activity is suddenly limited due to injury or bed rest. Because your body is not expending the energy it is used to you might want to lower your sugar intake. A savory green smoothie is a great way to get the nutrients your body craves without all of the sugar from the fruit.
Please join me tomorrow as we discuss limiting dairy intake.

Here is the full series:

10. Warm Lemon water or Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

Thank you for reading!
Grace and peace,
Adoring Family

Grace and peace,

Adoring Family

Ten Ways to Tone Up in Ten Days


Remember to discuss these things with your physician if you are starting a new exercise/diet program :)

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